YEESSI holds Digital Skill training for new Volunteers

YEESSI is an organization that is interested in equipping the youths with relevant skills that can make them competitive and self-sustained.

This prompted the organization to organizing trainings on digital skill primer, design thinking and leadership for the new volunteers.

The aim of the trainings is to equip them with the requisite technological knowledge to be able to collaborate effectively. The design thinking training is aimed at sharpening their creative confidence and energize them to start using their skills to solve existential societal problems. Leadership is pivotal to the development of any society, therefore we believe all our members must be well groomed to take up leadership responsibilities wherever they find themselves.

 A quote by Herbert Simon which says ”Everyone designs, who devises course of action aimed at changing present situation to a preferred one” was used by Israel Ayomide, the Design Thinking trainer to encourage the participants on the need to contribute positively to their societies. 

The training which is a week long event will be concluded on Saturday 19th September, 2020. 

       Watch the training here


YEESSI in collaboration with NDM holds the Prize Giving Ceremony of A.R.T Contest

The 5 week long online contest will come to an end on Saturday 29th of August,  2020 with the Prize Giving Ceremony. 
The top two winners among the ten finalists will be awarded cash prizes. 

The program will feature keynote speech to be delivered by Monitoring Cmdt Alistair Shoyode, founder of Ben TV UK.  Also, Prof Apollos Nwauwa, the Chairman of NDM, Dr. Olarinoye Oyeleke and Amb. Adebobola Agbeja will be discussing during the panel session. 

There will be a special entertainment appearance by the popular and talented entertainer, Ayodeji Simbal.

The Chief host is Mr. Kazeem Ojoye, the Chairman of YEESSI, Israel A. Fehintola and Aisha Juma will be the Host and the Co-host respectively. 
To register for the program,  Click here


The contestants at the on-going Acknowledging Real Talents (ARTs) have been trained on Purpose Discovery and Story Telling. 

The training which was facilitated by Coach Ella Obans of the Vita-W Academy gave the contestants the opportunity to learn new things from the astute writer, veteran public speaker and passionate youth advocate.

She highlighted series of steps needed in discovering one’s purpose, she also used real life scenarios to teach them the practicability of those steps.

Also, she trained them on how to write stories, monetize their writing skills and how to be the best at what they do.  

The organization in her effort to identify and amplify youths with distinct talents across the country launched the first edition of the ARTs Contest in partnership with the Nigerian Diaspora Commission (NDM).

The four weeks long programme holding in a closed WhatsApp and Telegram groups sees that the contestants are engaged in different capacity building activities.